Wednesday, November 30, 2005


Everybody (not in the tropics at the moment that is) has been asking me for some bad news instead of all this talk about big houses, nice food and frosty drinks. (Apperently a birdflu pandemic threat isn't enough :) Well: I've got just the thing. I'm cold all the time just like you. But only at night. And that's because I am not used to sleeping in airconditioning as it seems. And of course the local tiny thin blankets don't help. So there you go. And this morning I stubbed my toe (my very cold toe) and it hurt. So just Enjoy that for a while and gloat and I'll tell you of all the nice things I'm about to do tomorrow. Deal?

Before I forget: yesterday I mentioned that I had a big secret (in Dutch) and it is true. But it is nothing that big. We are not preggers or anything and don't worry I won't tell the world that you're gay, cheating, the one who spits in you know who's coffee and about that ting you do and we talked about. You can breathe now. Breath in and out. No worries. Mine is just a nice story but so much more mundane... Of course I will blog it the minute I can. In the mean time: please keep on guessing :)


LageB said...


LageB said...

Nee: en we zijn ook niet getrouwd enzo. Sjonge. Het is dus NIET zo groot. Zeg maar klein. En toch ben ik geinstrueerd niks te melden...oe oe oe :)