Wednesday, September 20, 2006

And we're back!

Military coup? Yes. Something had to happen and it did. Notice anything different? Well, there are no tanks rolling through streets here. But everything in Khon Kaen is closed and that also means the school. The army has declared a national holiday, you see. Then there's the media. The TV was back to normal around noon and my state-internet switched on at about five. Of course this thing is the talk of the town and the country and the region, if not the world (except in Holland for some reason, where doesn't even mention it on the homepage at this moment.

The word is everything will be back to normal tomorrow. In reality it might take until the elections that are said to be in a year. And it will take at least an appearance by the king to really settle things (but they say that is on the way). Strange? A little for sure. But I liked the way an American professor explained it on the Australian news: 'There have been dozens of coups in Thailand since 1932. In Thailand, this is the normal way to change a government.'

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