Sunday, June 10, 2007


We have put a down payment on our motorcycle yesterday. Not because we don't have the money. Then why not take it home? Well,we needed more official pieces of paper of course. Although our work permits and passports clearly state who we are, where we live, where we work and what exactly that work is, we need an extra letter from the Immigration office certifying that they feel pretty certain we actually live and work where stated and that we've been a good boys and girls and sleep with our hands above the covers. This is Thailand.

Also Thailand: someone at the school knows someone who's someone at the Department of Motor Vehicles. That means we can apparently go over there with this person and meet this someone who will then issue both a motorcycle driving licence and a car driving licence. Provided that we pay 1000 baht a pop. And provided that we show up with the appropriate papers. Man, does that work permit see a lot of action! Mind you, we need the come out in full force with the 1 inch pictures and a health cert as well. I'll believe it when I'm holding the licences and I am not followed by cars with sirens and flashing lights or something:)

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