Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Busy busy busy

Yes: I'm working hard. Take a peak at one of the three classes I teach. Mind you: this is the only class I can really call my own. This has my desk in the back. My name above the door. My Thai teaching partner and my teaching assistant right next to me and a TV plus a computer in the front. It also has the kids of course. thirty of them. I teach them 15 hours a week. That's Boom right there glaring at you during lunchtime.

Yes they are cute. Yes they are a little mischievous if you give 'm half the chance. But it's nothing compared to the other two teaching hours I have. Imagine if you will the same kind of room with at least ten to fifteen extra students. Two years older. A lower level of English. No teaching partners or assistants. Not even chairs and desks... Now that's a all hands on deck situation. Except you have just two. It's thrilling, exhausting, breathtaking and mind numbing all at the same time. So stay tuned!

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