Friday, December 23, 2005

Koud heh?!

Ze lopen hier met truien aan. Bivakmutsen hebben zelfs. Waarom? Omdat het winter is natuurlijk. Mij wordt ongeveer 12 keer per dag door iedereen en z'n Malle Eppie gevraagd of ik het koud heb. Want het is 20 graden en dat betekent dat het kwik 's nachts toch al gauw in de buurt van de 10 komt. Daarom kwam de huisbaas samen met z'n vrouw even een paar armen vol deken brengen. Maar een witte Kesrt gaat het niet worden denk ik. Mooi bruggetje naar Tessels geheim. Die heeft namelijk in Singapore een KERST CD gekocht van jazzslagerzangeres DIANA KRALL. En die draaien we nu dus ook steeds. Ho ho ho inderdaad. Maar eerlij is eerlij: hij is nog best te doen. Het Andere Grote Geheim heeft iets met mijn credit card te maken.Zodra er breaking news is meer...

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Different Bat-time, same Bat-channel!

We are leaving for Bangkok again. That means no more wireless highspeed internet for a while unless I can secretly hookup to someone elses near my hotel. Or it could take to until we have our internet connection in Khon Kaen hooked up for us to get back online properly. That means fewer posts (aaaaaaaawww), but I'll try to surprise you (yay!). Stay tuned!

Friday, December 09, 2005

Ang Mo in Wonderland

They say there are two things you can do in Singapore. You can eat and you can shop. That's it. Of course that is not really true, but an exaggeration to please small minds that can only think in aphorisms and slogans. In fact, there are no less than three things you can do in Singapore. Because you can also be a tourist, meaning: seeing sights and going on rides. Here it is part of the way of life, especially when you are an Ang Mo. Ang Mo's are easy to spot. They are tall, pale red haired creatures in bright t-shirts and shorts. They come in a couple of varieties: with and without huge cameras, with and without huge backpacks, with and without designer sandals and the female of this species that the Thai call ‘Farang’ have sometimes been known to go out in nothing more than a see through skirt and g string underwear. They are a usually friendly, but often kind of loud bunch that seems to have permeated almost every country in the world, specifically those where the eating and shopping is good.

Now, I don’t have read hair, but that doesn’t matter. To the Singaporeans I am close and pale enough, so I am definitely an Ang Mo or ‘Red Hair’. And I go where the Ang Mos go. I shop, I eat and I take the breathtaking cable car ride to the Island of Santosa. I check out the Raffles Hotel. I walk around In colorful batik shirts. And yesterday I finally got in to the ultimate ride: the Night Safari. It’s like going to the zoo in the dark. A smart move because a) all the nocturnal animals are wide awake and b) you fill in all the dark places with your imagination. Of course the jungle here is kind of real already. The temperature matches, there is no need to fidget around with cans of eau de jungle or set up speakers to produce some nice cricket sounds. But something about it being dark makes it more real and probably larger than life. Especially since you can actually walk through this jungle. Especially because you have some really close encounters with the animals. Ever gotten buzzed by a flying squirrel the size of a cat? Well, since yesterday I have and teher are no words to describe it.Then there’s the actual ride. You hover gently trough the night past all kinds of animals (that are naturally all just having dinner in the perfect spot, bathing in what seems moonlight before they go back to their trailers and throw a fit because their contract specifically states ‘grass from the south face of the lower Himalayan Terrai). It’s all perfect: even the Tiger takes extra special care to hide a little and slowly come forth from the evening mist. Ever you ever get the chance: go there. Go there and say ‘hi’ from this Ang Mo.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

The Birds

While we are all waiting for Tessel to fess up (I have pleaded, trust me) here's another story. Like most of you know I've been following birdflu for over two years (search for my posts on Hamsterwoede) And I can't get over the lack of information around. I don't want to scare anyone, but ever since the WHO has changed its tone from general PR type corporate info to downright cynical, I would say that even if it might not come to pass, something potentially huge is concerning scientists right now and somehow it's being kept very quiet. To me it seems like a Hitchcock type thriller with the strange twist that it's real. Although of course (rest assured) all the rich countries in the world are stocking up on the miracle drug Tamiflu...

Check out Birdflu-central every now and then: it 's very interesting.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

The plot thickens

While most of the people we know arew now wondering about this Big Secret (it's gotten out of hand: no, we're not married, aliens, pregnant, secretly back in Holland and the real secret is probably going to dissapoint you) there is already an other secret and this time I want to write about it, but Tessel should. It's really her secret. No: she's not married, an alien, pregnant, secretly back in Holland. She has bought something and it's... well, let's hope she will come clean quickly;) You will be shocked and smiling!

While I'm at it: I'd like to say a special warm hello to our hosts Mike and Dorothy :)